Pria Ini Berprofesi sebagai Pembersih Telinga Warga

Muhammad Abbas memiliki profesi yang lain cukup unik ketimbang warga pada umumnya. Setiap hari, pria ini membawa paku yang dilengkapi kapas untuk membersihkan telinga warga dari kotoran.

Selain menggunakan paku besi dan kapas, pria berusia 38 tahun itu juga memanfaatkan pinset untuk mengambil kotortan telinga warga. Abbas selalu menyelipkan peralatan kerjanya di dalam kopiahnya sendiri dan berkeliling untuk mencari pelanggan.

Abbas yakin, bisnis yang dijalaninya saat ini tidak akan berkembang karena generasi muda di India lebih memilih untuk membersihkan telinganya sendiri dengan korek telinga. Namun Abbas mengatakan bahwa, para warga manula di India masih sering menggunakan jasanya.

Waxing lyrical: An Indian man forces a smile as his ears are given a thorough cleaning using a needle and cotton wool on the streets of Delhi
Waxing lyrical: An Indian man forces a smile as his ears are given a thorough cleaning using a needle and cotton wool on the streets of Delhi
Tricks of the trade: The professional ear cleaners wrap the steel needle in cotton wool before sliding it into the customers ear
Tricks of the trade: The cleaners wrap the steel needle in cotton wool before sliding it into the customer's ear canal

"Keluarga saya sudah menjalani profesi sebagai seorang pembersih telinga di era Mughal. Saya membersihkan 20 hingga 30 telinga setiap hari, namun mereka umumnya adalah pelanggan tua. Jarang sekali saya melihat seorang pemuda yang meminta saya membersihkan telinganya," ujar Abbas, seperti dikutip Daily Mail, Rabu (5/12/2012).

Setiap harinya, Abbas bisa meraih keuntungan sebesar 20 hingga 50 Rupee atau sekira Rp3.513 hingga Rp78.783 (1 Rupee per Rp175,67) bila membersihkan satu telinga. Usai membersihkan telinga pelanggannya dengan kapas, Abbas pun mengambil pinset untuk mengambil kotoran-kotoran telinga itu dan membuangnya.

Meski terlihat berbahaya, para pelanggan Abbas tidak pernah khawatir akan infeksi dan luka di telinganya. Salah seorang pelannggan, Muhammad Aslam Qureshi, mengaku bahwa dirinya sudah menikmati jasa serupa seperti yang disediakan Abbas selama 17 tahun.

"Saya selalu meminta seseorang untuk membersihkan telinga saya. Jasa ini cukup membuat saya santai dan nyaman. Tidak pernah ada masalah yang muncul di telinga saya,"(AUL)

Delving in: Ear cleaner Mohammed Abbas, 38, tackles the dirty lobes of Rasheed Quereshi on the steps of Delhi's biggest mosque Jamia Masjid
Delving in: Ear cleaner Mohammed Abbas, 38, tackles the dirty lobes of Rasheed Quereshi on the steps of Delhi's biggest mosque Jamia Masjid
Pinpoint accuracy: Armed only with a steel needle, a wad of cotton and a pair of pincers, the ear cleaners roam the streets looking for customers
Pinpoint accuracy: Armed only with a steel needle, a wad of cotton and a pair of pincers, the ear cleaners roam the streets looking for customers
Dying trade: Partly due to the measly pay and also because of rising health consciousness among Indians, ear cleaners might soon be consigned to history the books
Dying trade: Partly due to the measly pay and also because of rising health consciousness among Indians, ear cleaners might soon be consigned to history the books
Popular: Nauseating as it might seem, millions of Indians swear by unlicensed practitioners
Popular: Unhygienic as it might seem, millions of Indians swear by unlicensed practitioners
Sadanand, 35, cleans the ears of Sunil at Connaught Place in Delhi, India
Mohhamed Abbas, 38, one of Delhi's notorious street ear cleaners
Masters: Sadanand, 35, cleans the ears of Sunil at Delhi's Connaught Place (left) while Mohhamed Abbas, 38, (right) said his family has been cleaning ears since the Mughal times
Probe a lobe: After soaking up the wax, they then slowly remove the needle - before using the pincers to pick out any stray wax or cotton
Probe a lobe: After soaking up the wax, they then slowly remove the needle - before using the pincers to pick out any stray wax or cotton
Despite the apparent dangers, most of Muhammad's customers are not worried about injury or infection
Despite the apparent dangers, most of Muhammad's customers are not worried about injury or infection


Cleaning ears is not a lucrative business, ear cleaners earn anything between 20 to 50 rupees - 25p to 60p - per ear
Cleaning ears is not a lucrative business, ear cleaners earn anything between 20 to 50 rupees - 25p to 60p - per ear

Tools of the trade: Sadanand with his rudimentary equipment - a sharp steel needle wrapped with cotton wool and a pair of pincers to remove any loose wax
Tools of the trade: Sadanand with his rudimentary equipment - a sharp steel needle wrapped with cotton wool and a pair of pincers to remove any loose wax


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