Fenomena Unik : Pantai Indah Berubah Menjadi Lautan Darah

Sekumpulan alga merah ternyata ditemukan berada di sekitar pantai tersebut. Mereka diketahui bisa menyebabkan warna air laut yang biru berubah menjadi merah.

Pemandangan langka ini bisa terjadi karena dipengaruhi kondisi cuaca tertentu. Alga itu diketahui alhasil, sekitar pantai Bondi dan Teluk Gordon tampak seperti lautan darah.

"Sedikit mengeluarkan bau amis. Kondisi pantai ini membuat kulit orang gatal, tetapi hanya itu yang diakibatkan oleh alga unik ini," ujar penjaga pantai Australia, Bruce Hopkins, seperti dikutip Orange, Kamis.

Akibat gangguan alga ini, beberapa bagian Pantai Bondi dan Teluk Gordon terpaksa di tutup.(faj)

Bloodbath: An intrepid swimmer heads towards a patch of red algae bloom off the coast of Sydney, Australia, where the rare natural phenomenon has turned the water the colour of blood
Bloodbath: An intrepid swimmer heads towards a patch of red algae bloom off the coast of Sydney, Australia, where the rare natural phenomenon has turned the water the colour of blood
A red wave breaks off Sydney's Bondi Beach, one of several around Sydney which had to be closed due to the rare algae bloom
Closed: A red wave breaks off Sydney's Bondi Beach, one of several around Sydney which had to be closed due to the rare algae bloom 
A mother and her child look out over the 'Red Sea' of Sydney's Clovelly beach. Despite health warnings a number of defiant swimmers were seen venturing into the water
A mother and her child look out over the 'Red Sea' of Sydney's Clovelly beach. Despite health warnings a number of defiant swimmers were seen venturing into the water
High and dry: Several popular beaches around Sydney including Bondi and Clovelly (pictured) had to be shut after the algae, known as Nocturnal Scintillans or sea sparkle, flourished
High and dry: Several popular beaches around Sydney including Bondi and Clovelly (pictured) had to be shut after the algae, known as Nocturnal Scintillans or sea sparkle, flourished
Tomato soup: While the red algae has no toxic effects people are still advised to avoid swimming in areas with because it can be high in ammonia which can cause skin irritation
Tomato soup: While the red algae has no toxic effects people are still advised to avoid swimming in areas with because it can be high in ammonia which can cause skin irritation
Tourists and locals are hoping that the algae will have dissipated by the weekend, when temperatures are expected to reach 40c
Tourists and locals are hoping that the algae will have dissipated by the weekend, when temperatures are expected to reach 40c
Tourists and locals are hoping that the algae will have dissipated by the weekend, when temperatures are expected to reach 40c
A gull stands in the discoloured water of Clovelly Beach. Large numbers of fish are believed to have perished from the effects of the algae
A gull stands in the discoloured water of Clovelly Beach. Large numbers of fish are believed to have perished from the effects of the algae
A swimmer sticks to the safety of a pool as the algae transforms the surrounding sea. Tests are underway to find out what cause the phenomenon
A swimmer sticks to the safety of a pool after the algae transformed the surrounding sea. Tests are underway to find out what caused the phenomenon

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